
We specialize in providing agricultural designs for dairy expansion planning, manure storage and transfer systems, feed pad/bunkers, leachate collection systems, and anaerobic digester design and site integration. Along with providing site designs, we assist landowners in developing their sites and obtaining necessary permits.

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Site Design

Along with providing site designs, we assist landowners in developing their sites and obtaining necessary permits. We help you integrate the features (like a solid separator, sand separator, or digester) into your existing farm or in planning a new greenfield. We take the landowners preferences and then take in considerations like groundwater, bedrock, wind direction, roads, fill needed, and workout a site design that will best fit you.

Sand Handling

Sand Trap - Trapping the sand from the waste stream on its way to storage is another good option, especially when your sand is inexpensive to purchase or if you do not wish to recycle it. It typically looks like a ramp and will capture almost all of the sand when empty and down to 80% when near full. It typically is designed to capture 3 months of sand before needing to be emptied. If you want to reuse the sand, you would need to wash it.

​ Sand Lane - See “Sand Bedding Recovery Systems” below.

Pond Liners

Concrete - The most expensive option, but sometimes the only one. Concrete makes agitating easier as well as digging sand bedding out.

HDPE - Plastic liners are a good option and are often combined with a concrete bottom, especially with sand bedding. ​

Clay - The simplest liner if you have good clay close by. If you use sand bedding, you may want a sand trap or lane before the waste gets to the pond.

Resource Recovery

Sand Bedding Recovery Systems - Catching the sand on the way to storage enables you to reuse your sand bedding. The sand is stacked and flipped for three weeks before it can be reused. The sand lane will catch about 90% of the sand for reuse.

Composting - Solids composted for market is another option. Read More

Methane Recovery - The anaerobic digesters we have designed produce 1 kilowatt per 5 cows.

Bunker Leachate Collection

We design traps to catch the first flush from the feed bunker and treat the rest. This practice is not permitted on CAFO dairies, but it is allowed under CAFO limits.