Solid Waste
Our staff can assist with most aspects of solid waste and resource recovery. We have experience with MSW, C&D, and industrial landfills, solid waste incinerators, transfer stations, public drop-off's, landfill gas collection and control, organic stability, operations, and owner financial responsibility

Landfill Design and Permitting
There will always be a need to dispose of society’s non-recyclable waste materials. We specialize in land disposal facilities that provide cost effective and responsible disposal while protecting the environment. For municipal solid waste, construction and demolition, or industrial landfills, we can assist you in navigating the regulatory world from initial siting to plan of operations. Our client’s routinely tell us that we are “nuts and bolts” engineers - understanding how the parts and pieces fit together with the system.
Construction Quality Assurance and Documentation
Solid waste facilities are constantly changing and under construction. We have qualified technicians and engineers who can be your eyes and ears during construction projects. Our staff have performed construction quality assurance on very small to multi-million dollar projects. Each of our CQA staff have experience with geosynthetics, including geomembranes such as HDPE, LLDPE, PP, and PVC to geotextiles and geocomposits, even clay geosynthetics like GCLs.
Landfill Gas Collection and Control
Landfill gas is present at every solid waste facility and not properly controlling it can be harmful or even deadly. Let us design, observe construction, or assist with operating, balancing, or troubleshooting your landfill’s gas collection and control systems.
Operations Assistance
How is your facility operating? There are ways to measure and optimize solid waste operations. How well are you placing or compacting your waste? Do you have traffic or operations bottlenecks? We can help you determine key metrics of your facility and identify area for improvement. Our staff can assist with special waste acceptance or creating emergency response plans, including outreach efforts with local emergency management and fire departments.
Bid Solicitation / Contract Management
If you need to find a contractor, supplier, or required to fulfill public bidding requirements, we can help you. Our staff have prepared over 100 public bidding documents and can assist you with the entire bidding process, from advertising for bids to contract closeout. We can also assist with contract management, such as agreements, notices, submittal review, pay requests, quantity verification, and contract modifications. Bidding is not only for construction projects, but also aspects of day to day operations.
Have solid waste related questions or are in need of continuing education credits to fulfill regulatory requirements? Our principal is a Wisconsin DNR certified facility manager and the Wisconsin SWANA Badger Chapter safety ambassador. He can tailor a training program specific to your needs or we offer period general training sessions. Check back often for our current training schedule.
Owner Financial Responsibility
Escrow accounts or bonds? Long-term care or closure accounts? How much funds to you need and when do you need them? The realm of owner financial responsibility can be confusing. From preparing closure quantity estimation or updating opinions of cost, our staff can assist with financial responsibility requirements. We have even been successful in requesting reimbursement or restructuring of accounts that have been overpaid - essentially giving our clients their own money back.
Transfer Stations and Public Drop-offs
Moving waste materials can sometimes be more difficult and disposing of it. We have experience siting and permitting small to medium size transfer stations, or can help you expand your current facility.